Cargill Partnership
In 2019, EBDA was approached by Cargill, Incorporated with a proposal to discharge brine from Cargill’s Solar Salt Facility in Newark, California, via EBDA’s transport pipeline and outfall to the San Francisco Bay. Cargill manages a vast network of salt ponds separated from the Bay by a system of berms. Mixed sea salts (MSS) are what remains after product streams have been harvested from sea water. The ponds containing the MSS are adjacent to the Bay and could be impacted in the future by significant storms and King Tides, coupled with sea level rise. Cargill is taking a proactive approach to protecting the Bay through enhanced commercial processing and accelerated removal of its inventory of MSS by sending MSS brine through the EBDA system. The proposed project includes improvements at the Newark Solar Salt Facility, including the construction of a new pump station and a pipeline to connect to EBDA’s system. The brine would then be blended with effluent from EBDA’s member agencies and discharged through EBDA’s deep water outfall to the Bay.
EBDA’s General Manager recently co-presented on the project in a WET Talk to Sustainable Silicon Valley. The recording can be found here.
Following certification of an Environmental Impact Report (see additional information below), Cargill has determined their initial proposed pipeline route to be infeasible. They are currently in the process of evaluating alternative pipeline routes and connection points. Additional information on the preferred route, as well as the schedule and process for any supplemental environmental review, will be posted here as it becomes available.
CEQA Process
In accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public Resources Code [PRC] Section 21000 et seq.), EBDA determined that the proposed project required preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). EBDA is serving as the lead agency for CEQA compliance.
EBDA issued a Notice of Availability (NOA) of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Cargill Mixed Sea Salt Processing and Brine Discharge Project on January 4, 2023. A public meeting to receive comments on the Draft EIR was held on January 24, 2023. A recording of the meeting can be found here. A copy of the sides presented can be accessed here.
Following a public review process, a Final Environmental Impact Report was drafted, including responses to all comments received. EBDA’s Commission certified the EIR at its Commission Meeting on June 15, 2023.
Final Environmental Impact Report with Appendices (pdf)
ADA Section 508-compliant version of the Final EIR (Word)
References are available for public review at East Bay Dischargers Authority, 2651 Grant Avenue, San Lorenzo, CA 94580.